MS Principal’s Coffee, Oct. 2


Adolescences is a time of great development … and parental anxiety.  The growth and development that occurs during adolescence is rapid, uneven, and can test the patience of even the most even tempered parent.  The next MS Principal’s Coffee will tackle this topic head on discussing some of the changes parents can expect during adolescence as well as strategies for dealing with those changes.

Please join us from 8:15-9:15 on Oct. 2nd as we explore the wonderful world of teen development.


Future Principal Coffee Topics are as follows:
Nov. 6 – Helping your teen manage stress (featuring a student panel)
Dec. 4 – Literacy at the middle level
Feb. 5 – Technological Literacy (what does it mean to be an Apple Middle School, what have our new tech classes been learning)
Mar. 5 – Managing technology for teens (featuring a student panel)
Apr. 2 – Talking with your teen about sexuality
May 7 – MS as a bridge to HS; Summer Learning Plans