MS Hour of Code Coming in December


Hour of Code is Coming to SSIS!  Middle School students will be joining millions around the world in an Hour of Code.

Computational thinking is a key skill for the future, and yet, many people don’t know about coding! The “Hour of Code” is coming to SSIS, and we’re asking all students to participate! Some of the applications and uses of coding are: 
  • Controlling and using devices such as phones, microwaves and cars.
  • Saving lives and helping people.
  • Start initiatives to prevent bullying or outreach of global issues.
  • Developing games and apps to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
Programming as a skill that is not just about computer science.  Being able to program is central to  other professions like journalism, biology, design, the study of literature and history.  If you’re interested in learning more, visit Hour of Code or check out this promotional video!