AS: Parenting Book Club, May 6, 08:15


    The Key Details:

    • What: School-wide dialog about building resilience in our children

    • Why: Join other SSIS parents to discuss parenting issues related to raising resilient children

    • Where: SSIS, Middle School Library

    • When: May 6

    • Time:  08:15 – 09:15

    Parents can join the book club at any point.   We are excited to discuss the ideas found in Teach Your Children Well written by Madeline Levine.  This book is appropriate and extremely applicable to parents in all three of our divisions at SSIS. You can can order a print or digital copy of this book from a number of online bookstores. An eBook using the Kindle app from Amazon is around $12 or less, and is also available on iBooks (both are US store links). Additionally, we will have a few hard copies of this book for sale at this week’s meeting.


    Dan Keller (ES), Molly Burger (MS) and Jacob Hendrickson (HS)