Judith Fox visits SSIS this Friday


    judithThis Friday, 25 November 2016, SSIS welcomes Judith Fox Alder, sister of the legendary athlete Terry Fox, for the first time to share her brother’s story. This is also her first time in Vietnam trying to spread Terry’s message:

    “Life is not about regretting losses and failures, it is about celebrating the little achievements and keeping up the hope.”

    As the International Director of the Terry Fox Foundation, Judith has been meeting people from around the world, hearing their stories of how Terry’s story inspired them to fight, give back, and help others. Every day, she is witness to people’s humanity as they band together as families, friends, neighbours, communities and entire countries to commemorate the mission of her brother. This is where the hope lies – in people, because together “everything” is possible. Her brother’s vision, principles and the impact his life has had on others inspires Judith to continue Terry’s dream of one day finding a cure for cancer.

    Please join us in the Auditorium from 1:45-2:15PM. (grade 4-8) or 2:30-3:00PM. (grade 9-12) Friday, 25 November 2016.

    (with input from http://www.terryfox.org/)