UniTalk: AP and IB Overview for Grade 9 & 10 Parents


You are invited to are invited to our first UniTalk of the school year.  It will take place on Thursday, August 23 from 8:15-9:15 in the MPR (4th floor of the HS).  Our university guidance department will share their insights in regards to Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs and how they relate to university admissions around the world.  Additionally, our AP Coordinator (Ms. Monika Richardson) and IB Diploma Coordinator (Ms. Cassie Armstrong) will share an overview of each of these programs. This session is designed to be a brief overview of the programs for grade 9 and 10 parents.  A more detailed overview of these programs will occur in January as we get closer to course selection for the 2019-20 school year.

The presentation can be found here.