HoS – Stomach Flu Update


    Dear SSIS Parents and Students,
    We have had a significant number of student and teacher absences due to a stomach flu which is affecting members of the SSIS community. We want to share with you the steps we are taking to address this and ask for your help in doing your part as well.

    • No student or teacher should come to school while they are ill. If you are experiencing symptoms, and for at least a day after the symptoms have cleared, you should remain at home. Teaching and school work is important, but living the Core Value “Respect for All” means we take others health into account. Please do not come to school if you are ill.
    • Several days ago we instituted more frequent and rigorous cleaning of the common areas and classrooms to disinfect the school.
    • We will place additional hand sanitizer dispensers around the school and ask that teachers remind students to frequently use them to clean their hands.
    • Knowing that some students are worried about getting behind on tests and assessments, we have asked all teachers to postpone any major assessments this week so that students do not feel torn between staying at home to recover and missing a test or being late to turn in a paper this week.

    We have looked careful at the distribution of students and teachers who are ill. At this time, none of this data suggests that this stomach bug is linked to any area on campus, any classroom, or to campus food services. Affected students and teachers are found across all classes, across all three divisions, and include those who take meals on campus and those who bring their own lunches.

    If you have any particular concerns, please feel free to call my office or the office of your divisional principal.

    Sincerely yours,

    Mark Iver Sylte

    Head of School
    Saigon South International School