MS GIN Club Tet Boxes of Hope

The Middle School Global Issues Network (GIN) students would like to pass on their thanks for the enthusiastic participation in collecting Tet Boxes of Hope for impoverished children here in Saigon.  In all, they collected 94 boxes, and had several large bags full of extra items that could be used in additional boxes, for Tiny Hearts of Hope (, a local charity focused on providing assistance to orphans in Vietnam.
GIN Advisors, Erin Johnson and Abby Morgan, have  received word back from Tiny Hearts of Hope thanking the members profusely for carefully curating the boxes to have all 6 items:
  • Something to love
  • Something for school
  • Something to wear
  • Something to play with
  • Something for hygiene
  • Something special

GIN students did an awesome job of making sure each box would be something a child would love to get!

After the holiday break, GIN students will be handing out the boxes personally to the children. 100+ happy faces are thanks to the Dedicated Service mindset of our MS students and staff.  The stronger we build the connections between our school and our local community, the better it is for both our students and those we impact.  A huge cheer everyone who takes action to be part of the solutions that are present in our local communities.
Thank you to the GIN club members and advisors, the middle school teachers and students, PTA parents and all the extra hands and help from those who jumped in to ensure everything was completed on time and ready for delivery.
GIN club is a very active group in the middle school.
Goals for the 2018-2019 School Year:
  1. Met 1-1 with three charities in Saigon that are helping those in need
  2. Working with Rhino Ranger Program (from Wilderness Foundation Africa working to stop rhino horn trade) on awareness campaigns
  3. Working with Tiny Hearts of Hope (helping orphans and children in poverty) on the Tet Boxes of Hope
  4. Working with The Library Project (build Vietnamese-language libraries in underfunded schools and orphanages) including visiting the school to read with the children
  5. Running 4 successful fundraising operations to raise funds for the Library Project (Family Fund Day, Christmas Bazaar, and two Bake Sales)
  6. Attending the regional GIN Conference in Manila, Philippines and delivering a workshop at the conference
  7. Planning and running Earth Week activities for the Middle School
  8. Learning about and working with local companies who work with underprivileged youth teaching them employment and life skills