ES/MS: Project X has begun!

Dear ES and MS Parents,
Yesterday, Project X started (for students in grades 3-8) with 3 days of experiences related to our Project X theme: TIME.  Project X is an opportunity for students and teachers to focus on the elements of research and inquiry so that student gain an embedded understanding of what makes a good inquiry question and how to go about research it.
The experiences, designed to increase their understanding of time, included:
  • Dance (Rhythm in TIME)
  • Maker Space (Measuring TIME)
  • Minute to Win it (Beating/Racing TIME)
  • Mindfulness (Take you TIME: Slow down)
  • Time lapse (Take you TIME: Slow down)
  • Outside aXion (Stay in TIME)
  • Drumming circle (Stay in TIME)
  • TED talks (Literature, Education and Entertainment)
  • Once Upon a Time (Literature, Education and Entertainment)
More specifically, students may have participated in several of the following explorations: walked as a team using team-skis; jumped rope; created a team dance; performed in drum circle; listened to TED talks about the origin of space and time; used cogs and gears to explore how clocks work; read historical fiction and picture books; made and tested an hourglass; learnt about mindfulness and meditation; completed team-building and cooperation challenges;  taken time lapse photos; made and tested a sundial; used iPads to explore freeze-frame videography; raced the clock to perform a “one-minute challenge”.
Expanding the understanding of the TIME concept is the first step in our Project X learning path. Our learning continues with brainstorming and ideation, topic selection and specific instruction in how to form a good inquiry question and how to plan for successful research.  We will keep you updated each step of the way.
Good questions to ask your child:
  • Tell me how the Project X experience relates to TIME
  • How were (experience) and (experience) similar/different

Kind regards,

The Project X Team