ES: Sports Day postponed



25 April 2019


Sports Day: Postponement


Dear Elementary Parents,


I want to first thank our PE team for the hard work that they have put into organizing this year’s Sports Day.  I also want to thank the many parent volunteers who were prepared to help make the day successful. Unfortunately, we will need to postpone it until after this Friday due to environmental conditions.


As you may be aware, the last week in HCMC and much of Vietnam has been warmer than usual with elevated UV index ratings.  The UV index has reached levels that have warranted cautions about extended periods of time outside in the sun, especially for children.  These concerns have been published in the media and several parents have raised the concerns to teachers, our nurse, and administration.


Student safety is, of course, our primary concern.  While we value Sports Day and promoting healthy outdoor activities and appropriate sun protection strategies, the current environmental conditions warrant the delay of Sports Day at this time.


I know that our PE team, parent volunteers, staff, and students will be disappointed.  I trust that once we find an acceptable new date, that disappointment will fade away and the joy of this annual event will return.


We will work quickly to identify a new date for Sports Day and communicate it to the school community as soon as possible.  We hope that our many parent volunteers will be able to help on the new date. We thank everyone for your understanding and support of this decision based on student safety.




Daniel J. Keller, PhD
Elementary School Principal