ES: Starting the School Year 2019-2020


July 24, 2019


Dear Elementary Parents,


Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year.  We hope that your family has enjoyed the summer months and your children are eager for the start of school.  During the summer, we have been preparing for a great school year. The campus is receiving a number of facilities improvements and we continue to refine our educational program.


Attached to this letter, you will find important dates for the start of school.  You will receive a separate email with additional information about your child’s orientation process for the start of this school year.


We are looking forward to welcoming you to a great school year.




Daniel J. Keller, PhD

Elementary School Principal


Important Dates for Start of School


The following events are relevant for students in all grades:


Grades Date Time Event Notes
All grades August 2 17:00 Communicating Class Lists All parents will be emailed class assignments for their children.  Class lists will also be displayed in the Atrium on August 5.
August 15 18:00 – 20:00 Curriculum Night This event is intended for parents only.


The following events are relevant for specific grades:


Grades Date Time Event Notes
Early childhood and Kindergarten August 6 Time varies Interview: Teacher, Parent, Student meetings  For half of class: Additional information will be sent in a separate letter
August 7 Time varies Interview: Teacher, Parent, Student meetings For other half of class: Additional information will be sent in a separate letter
August 8, 9 7:45-15:00 Staggered start Additional information will be sent in a separate letter
August 12 7:45-15:00 First day of full classes for all early childhood and kindergarten students. Please bring students to classrooms
Grades 1-5 August 6 Time varies New school year orientation Additional information will be sent in a separate letter
August 7, 8, 9 7:45-15:00 First full day of classes Please bring students to the “Atrium” in the mornings to meet their class teacher.
Grades 4, 5 August 6 14:00 – 16:00 Technology Orientation for Parents and Students This introduces the laptop program guidelines, requirements, and supports.  Students should bring their laptops. Additional information will be provided.