G6 – G8: MS Week Without Walls Information Packets, Repeat Session



UPDATE: We will be holding the information session again on November 5, from 6:00 – 7:00 PM in the Auditorium, for parents who were not able to attend the first time.


Thank you to all who attended MS Curriculum Night last week. At the event, we handed out informational packets about “Week Without Walls”. For those of you who may have missed MS Curriculum Night, you can download the forms and information packets below.

These forms were due back to Middle School, September 9, 2019. Printed packets and flyers are also available in the Middle School office if you do not have access to a printer.

G6 – G8: Week Without Walls Flyer and Information Packet Links:

Grade 6 WWW Trip Flyer
Grade 6 Information Packet and Forms

Grade 7 WWW Trip Flyer
Grade 7 Information Packet and Forms

Grade 8 WWW Trip Flyer
Grade 8 Information Packet and Forms

If you have any questions about the information or forms, please contact the MS Office.