MS WWW 2019-2020, Day 2 – Tuesday, November 19


Hello from SSIS Middle School students!

Our WWW trips are underway! Day 2 has been another wonderful day for the students. They have done a lot of outdoor activities and had a very good time.

Please see below for some photos from yesterday, and be sure to check out our blogs for new photos that are updated every night from 9pm-12am!

Asia Motions Photo Blogs (The password is the same to access the main gallery and the daily galleries)
  • SSIS Grade 6 Mui Ne: link – Password: muine6
  • SSIS Grade 7 Madagui: link – Password: madagui7
  • SSIS Grade 8 Hoi An: link – Password: hoian8

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8