January 16: Family Reading Night with Author Dr. Mike Leach


Free tickets for this event are available in the ES Office.

With a career that has taken him to 7 continents from the high mountains of Rwanda, where he photographed and befriended gorillas, to the isolated expanse of the Arctic, you will not want to miss the opportunity to listen to Dr. Mike Leach when he visits SSIS.

On January 16 from 4:15 – 5:00 PM the Elementary School students and families are welcome to attend a Family Reading Night to listen to this fascinating author and photographer. He has been published in more than 1,000 books and the author of 35 and will share some of his extraordinary stories.

PLEASE NOTE: If you arrive late, you may not be allowed to enter, out of consideration to our visiting author and to the other audience members.

WHAT: Family Reading Night with Author Dr. Michael Leach
WHEN: January 16, 4:15 – 5:00 PM
WHERE: Auditorium
WHO: ES Students and Parents