Head of School Update, February 20: 6 Tips for Virtual School Success at Home


Dear SSIS Parents,

As we find ourselves in the middle of the third week of conducting school in our virtual environment, “Virtual School,” I would like to express my appreciation for how well the community continues to adapt. 

Yesterday, there was a joyous buzz in the Plaza, as Elementary School parents picked up materials to support their children’s learning. Parents and teachers greeted one another warmly and were able to express how much we all are missing having the students on campus.

Today, I’d like to share some additional helpful tips that can significantly influence the success of your child as a virtual student. You will be happy to learn that these tips have been proven to be effective even when applied throughout a normal school year.

Go to the following link to read the full guide, “6 Tips for Virtual School Success at Home”. You can watch the video below.

All best wishes,

Dr. Catriona Moran
Head of School