Head of School Update, May 15: Looking at the Week That Passed


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    I can’t tell you how delighted I was to have grades 1 – 12 on campus this week. Although we are still waiting for Kindergarten and Early Childhood to return, before school is over for the year, we’ll get to experience having EC through grade 12 reunited on campus.

    This week, I spent time visiting classrooms to see how your children are getting along and adjusting. Because it is important to recognize that it’s not just “back to normal.” The campus and the routines they knew have changed, and they have to learn how to transition again.

    But from what I’ve seen, your children have adapted extraordinarily well over the week. And for this, I’d like to thank our wonderful teachers, who are working diligently to help students make this transition. I want to share a couple of examples of how teachers are helping your children transition:

    • To help second graders understand the new health and safety guidelines, students created viruses out of play-doh. Their teachers helped them understand that handwashing and social distancing are new routines and acts of love and caring.
    • In middle school, teachers are helping students find words for the range of emotions they are feeling about this school year, validating those feelings, and teaching them to find coping strategies.

    And in every class, at each grade-level, I observed how students are consolidating their skills and knowledge as they attentively soak in the last few weeks of learning.

    As we bring this week to an end, we are already looking forward to welcoming your children back on Monday and having Kindergartners arrive at campus. Please note, if you are consulting the school calendar, that this coming Monday, May 18, is a FULL DAY of school.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School