Improved ES Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures


We are pleased with how smoothly the year has started and how well students and parents have adapted to our pick-up and drop-off procedures. In efforts to increase the convenience for our parent community, we have determined that it is possible to make certain changes to these procedures.

The following changes have been implemented as of Monday, September 7.

  1. Grades K – G5 may enter at the same time (07:30).
  2. Grades K – G5 will all proceed to the Atrium on their own. 
  3. EC parents may now enter the Plaza to drop-off their children and must exit the campus directly after.
  4. EC – G3 students may be picked up by siblings in grades 4 – 12 (Dismissal Permission Form required)

The following matrix outlines the updated procedures in detail.

Morning Arrival Procedures
Time Procedure
07:30 Grades K-G5 may enter the school turnstiles and walk directly to the Atrium area
07:45 Grades K-G5 may enter the elementary building and go directly to classes.

Early Childhood parents may bring their children into the Plaza to be dropped off with their teacher, and parents then must exit the campus.

07:55 Early Childhood teachers will walk their students from the Plaza to their classrooms.
08:00 Instruction begins for all grades EC-G5.  

Attendance is taken and students arriving after 08:00 are marked tardy.


Afternoon Departure Procedures
Time Procedure
15:00 Instruction ends for all grades EC-G5. Students are brought to busses, after school activities, or the Plaza.
15:10 Parents of students in grades EC-G3 may enter the Plaza to pick up their children. (Parents who want their child in grades EC-G3 to be picked up by an older sibling in grades 4-12, must sign the Dismissal Permission Form.)

Students in grades 4 and 5 exit campus on their own.

15:20 Students who have not been picked up are brought to ‘late pick-up seating’ in the school reception.


Sincerely yours,

Daniel J. Keller, PhD
Elementary School Principal