[Presentation & Video]: Rising Grade 6 Transition Program Information Night


Dear Parents of Rising Grade 6  Students (current Grade 5 Students),

The second semester is well underway. As such, we are now looking ahead at your child’s learning program for the 2021-2022 school year and the various options they will have to customize their schedule, for the very first time.

If you missed the presentation for parents, you can view the video below.

Parent Presentation Slideshow

As a middle schooler, your child will have a required set of courses. However, they will also choose a world language and elective courses.

In addition to educating your child about the middle school program, we have several experiences planned for them to get them excited and comfortable about the transition. We will share exact dates in March, on the Middle School Parent/Student Google calendar. 

If you only want to see the presentation slides, you can view them below. You can learn more about the transition program, beginning on slide 25.

And to view the presentation that was made for students, please view this link.


Roxanne Amor-Ross
MS Dean of Students