EC & KG Home Learning Activities – Next Steps and Preparations


Dear Parents of Early Childhood and Kindergarten students,

According to the recent government directives, your children will not attend physical school starting Monday, May 10.  

To ensure that your children continue to develop important skills necessary for success in the next school year, we will provide them with Home Learning Activities and support.  

The following schedule will help you better understand what the transition to Home Learning Activities will look like over the next few days. 

Friday, May 7

  • Personal belongings will be sent home with students.

Monday, May 10

  • Monday is a transition day. Students are encouraged to do independent activities and outdoor play. This transition day is intended to help teachers prepare Home Learning Activities. 

Tuesday, May 11

  • The Home Learning Activities schedule will start on Tuesday, May 11. You can find the detailed schedule in your child’s Google Calendar.
  • Home Learning Activity packets with content for two weeks will be distributed to parents in the Plaza from 1:30 – 3:30. 

Additional Information

  • You will still be able to check out library books. Please use the Virtual Library Book Request Form. For instructions, please see this document. Your books will be available for pick up the next day on a cart outside of the SSIS store. You can return them at any time to the “Library Books Return” cart.

We hope that the information provided above will be helpful to you as you prepare your child for the transition to Home Learning Activities. 

Please know that everyone in our division is committed to ensuring that your children have an exceptional learning experience. We know they will finish the school year strong and be ready for the next school year.  

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Daniel J. Keller, PhD
Elementary Principal