Bringing a Remarkable Year to a Close


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    As we bring this remarkable year to a close, there are still plenty of things happening at Saigon South International School.

    Tomorrow Grade 8 parents will collect the celebration boxes that students will use in their Step Up ceremony as this group of middle schoolers prepares to make the transition to High School in August.

    Also, tomorrow, our fifth-graders will bid Elementary School goodbye in a promotion ceremony celebrating their upcoming transition to Middle School in August!

    And as always, all of our students will bring the year to a close with year-end assemblies as they prepare to put school assignments and schedules aside for a well-deserved summer break.

    I commend our students on their hard work, resilience, and perseverance in a year that has held more than one surprise. As we saw in our Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony on Friday, our ambitious, well-rounded students have continued to excel, meeting and exceeding expectations.

    And in a year that has brought many surprises, alas, one more has been added to the list. At the beginning of this week, while on campus, I injured my back and required hospitalization. However, I would like to reassure you that I am doing well. Inspired by our students, I, too, will face adversity with resilience and grace and should be back on my feet soon!

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School