Head of School Letter: Have a Great Summer


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    Today, in closing out another eventful school year, students attended their virtual end-of-year assemblies, celebrating successes and acknowledging milestones.

    Exhibiting remarkable perseverance, resilience, and grit, your children have made the best of everything an SSIS education has to offer. Our SSIS year-end video highlights some of the many things that have happened on campus this school year.

    As we bring this year to a close, I extend my sincerest gratitude to you for your unwavering dedication, flexibility, and support this year. Your partnership is what makes this such a wonderful community, and it makes all the difference in your child’s success.

    May you and your family enjoy a relaxing and well-earned summer break.

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School