ES Launches Virtual School “Dragon’s Club” to Increase Connections & Activities


Dear ES Parents,

We are thrilled to announce that on August 30, we will begin offering “Dragon’s Club” an optional activity time, to all of our SSIS elementary school students. 

Based on the feedback from our parents, Dragon’s Club will provide a stimulating and engaging program of extra activities for our students. To view the program details per grade, please see the email with the link. 

What is Dragon Club?

Dragon’s Club is a new feature of our Virtual School program. The program contains live online activities led mostly by SSIS specialist teachers. In Dragon’s Club, your children can spend time with friends across their grade level, enjoying the various activities together.

Who is Dragon’s Club for?

Dragon’s Club is for all SSIS elementary school students, from EC – Grade 5. 

How Does Dragon’s Club Work?

Dragon’s Club will run Monday – Friday. There is a morning session from 9:30 – 10:00 am and an afternoon session from 1:00 – 1:30. How many sessions are available to your child will be determined by their grade level. However, there will be a minimum of one activity per grade, each week. 

Please view activities per grade level on the Dragon’s Club website (link in email).

Dragon’s Club is optional. That means that students can attend whenever they want to. There are no sign-ups and no extra charge for participating. 

We hope that your children will enjoy Dragon’s Club and the activities that our specialist teachers have developed. We believe that the addition of this program will have benefits for students and parents alike and we look forward to hearing your feedback. 


Daniel J. Keller, PhD
Elementary School Principal