(EC-G5) Fall 2022 ES Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-ups

elementary school general graphic

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Sign-ups for the Parent-Teacher conferences are now open. These conferences are a very important part of your child’s education at SSIS. Each family is expected to schedule an appointment to meet with their child’s teacher.

This letter explains everything you need to know to schedule and make the most of your Parent-Teacher Conference.

Why Do We Have Parent-Teacher Conferences?

Parent-Teacher Conferences are an important part of your child’s development and success at SSIS. During conferences we:

  • review your child’s academic progress
  • discuss your child’s social and emotional growth
  • set goals for your child
  • discuss the best ways to support your child in reaching their goals.

Important: Students in Grades 3, 4, and 5 take an active part in the Parent-Teacher Conferences. Students in these grades should attend the conference with their parents.

When Are Parent-Teacher Conferences?

Parent-Teacher Conferences can be scheduled during the following dates and times:

Thursday, October 13     8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday, October 14          8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Each appointment is 20 minutes long. Please be on time for your scheduled conference.

Specialist Teachers

Specialist teachers (Art, PE, Music, Drama, EAL, Learning Support, Library, Host Country Studies) will be available in their rooms before or after your conference with the homeroom teacher during the following times. You do not need to schedule an appointment to see them.

8:00 am – 9:30 am
10:00 am – 11:30 am
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

How Do I Schedule an Appointment?

Each family must log in to their SchoolsBuddy account to schedule their Parent-Teacher Conference appointment. 

Sign-ups will open in SchoolsBuddy at 9:00 am on September 22. Scheduling will close at 9:00 am on October 6. Please note that scheduling works on a “first come, first served” basis, so you should schedule your conference as soon as possible. 

If, for some reason, you are unable to meet with your teacher during the available times, please contact your classroom teacher directly to see if other arrangements can be made. We are expecting a conference to be scheduled for every student in the school.

Scheduling Your Appointment in SchoolsBuddy

You can find detailed instructions on how to schedule your appointment in SchoolsBuddy on SSIS Link.

If You Do Not Have a SchoolsBuddy Account

Please note that you will not be able to schedule your conference unless you have created and activated your SchoolsBuddy account. If you do not recall your SchoolsBuddy login information, please contact our ICT department (support@ssis.edu.vn).


Teaching assistants (TAs) will be available to help translate for Vietnamese-speakers, as needed. For other languages, please make your own translation arrangements, if needed.


Students in EC – Grade 2 should not come to the conferences. As a courtesy to our SSIS parent community, the school will provide staff supervision of school-age children during conference appointments.

If you want to use this service, please bring your child to the ES playground 10 minutes before your conference appointment. An SSIS teaching assistant will provide supervision. Please pick up your child promptly after the conference. Please make alternative arrangements for childcare if you have children below school age.  

We are looking forward to meeting with you in person to discuss your child’s learning.

Kind regards,

Melanie Sylvester
Elementary School Principal