(G6 – 8) Fall 2022 MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences


Dear Parents and Guardians of Middle School Students,

Registration for the middle school Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences will open on Wednesday, September 28. Please read this letter carefully as it includes details of the conference dates and times as well as information about the sign-up process.

When Are the Conferences?

Thursday, October 13     9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday, October 14          8:00 am – 4:00 pm

How Do Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Work?

  • Parents book a specific time slot with each teacher. Each conference will last 7 minutes.
  • Parents and students attend the conferences together. Please be on time!
    Conferences will be in the middle school gym.
  • Each child has 8 teachers, so it will take about 1.5 hours to speak with all of your child’s teachers.

Why Do We Have Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences?

Parent-student-teacher conferences are an essential part of your child’s development and success at SSIS. Being included in the conferences helps your child understand that they are in control of and responsible for their learning. 

During each conference, the teachers will talk about your child’s academic progress, goals, and next steps. They will also discuss ways for you to support your child in reaching their goals. These conferences focus on how your child is progressing so far this semester. Using the feedback from teachers at the conferences empowers your child to continue to improve their achievement.

How Do I Schedule Conferences?

Conferences are scheduled through SchoolsBuddy. You can find detailed instructions on how to schedule your appointments in SchoolsBuddy on SSIS Link

Please note that you will not be able to schedule your conferences unless you have created and activated your SchoolsBuddy account. If you do not recall your SchoolsBuddy login information, please contact our ICT department (ict@ssis.edu.vn). 

When Can I Sign Up?

Sign-ups will open on Wednesday, September 28 at 9:00 am. Sign-ups will close on Wednesday, October 12 at 12:00 pm

If you do not sign up by October 12, you will need to contact the MS Office Assistants (tdinh@ssis.edu.vn or dunguyen@ssis.edu.vn) for help. Please note that it is easier to create a convenient schedule if you sign up right away. If you wait until the deadline or after the deadline to sign up, it may be difficult for you to schedule your conferences.

When Will I Receive My Child’s Report Card?

Your child’s mid-semester progress report will be emailed to you on Wednesday, October 12. The grades in this report are grades in progress. These grades will not show on your child’s transcript. 

Using the feedback from teachers during the conferences will empower your child to continue to grow and learn over the remainder of the semester. This is why parents and students should make it a priority to attend the conferences.

Please note that due to the large number of conferences, we cannot offer translation services. Students will be encouraged to help parents or guardians with translation, as needed.

We are looking forward to meeting in person to discuss your child’s learning.

Kind regards,

Molly Burger
Middle School Principal