(G6-8) November 1: WWW Parent Information Night


Dear Parents and Guardians of Middle School Students,

The MS Week Without Walls (WWW) trips are coming up soon: the week of November 21–25, 2022. We invite you to join us on Tuesday, November 1 for a WWW Parent Information Night, where the grade-level leaders will be presenting an overview of the trip, sharing important trip details, and answering your questions.

Here are the meeting times and locations for each grade level. Please note the later start time for grade 8 parents.

  • Grade 6: Auditorium (6:00 pm)
  • Grade 7: Black Box Theater, MS Building (6:00 pm)
  • Grade 8: Auditorium (7:00 pm)

The purpose of these trips is to allow middle school students to increase their awareness and appreciation for this part of the world and to make curricular connections that are not possible in the classroom. The trips provide opportunities for students to apply what they have learned in school to real-life situations. Each trip includes team-building activities to develop collaboration skills and personal connections with classmates.

We hope to see you on Tuesday, November 1 to learn more about these exciting experiences for your children.

Kind regards,

Phil Wendel
Middle School Associate Principal