Grade 7: Week Without Walls Trip Details


Dear Grade 7 Parents, 

The Week Without Walls grade 7 experience is almost here! In just a few days we will leave for a week full of learning in Madagui. Please read this letter carefully, as it contains important information about this trip. You may also want to print it and post it on your refrigerator during the trip. 


Jake West (Trip Leader), Kevin Brodeur, Julianne Athon, Tom Lupton, Greg Jardin, Janelle Sculley, Carlos Manuel Simon Lazaro, Ivory Chang, Deb Jones, Gary Bertoia, Duong Nguyen, Phil Wendel, Duc Thanh Le, and Phuong Hoang Cuong Nguyen

Key Dates and Times

Monday, November 21

8:00 am

All grade 7 students need to be at school with their luggage. 

Students must drop off their luggage in the Pavillion Area to the right of the Main/Elementary Gate.
(No need to bring school IDs.) 

Buses depart at 8:30 am.

Friday, November 25

1:00 pm (approximate arrival)

We expect to arrive back at SSIS at approximately 1:00 pm.

Parents need to pick up their children at SSIS upon arrival. 

Emergency Contacts

In the event of an emergency, please do not attempt to contact your child directly. If you need to contact your child, please call either of the emergency contacts listed below. They will be able to reach your child’s trip leader quickly.

  • Thao Dinh, MS Administrative Assistant, 028 5413 0901 ext. 12001;
  • Dr. Dan Long, Director of Activities & Community Engagement, 093 268 4315;

SSIS Shirts

Students are required to wear their SSIS school uniform shirts to school on Monday as well as on the return trip on Friday. 


All prescription medicines must be turned in to school by Friday, November 18. Medicines should be dropped off—by an adult only—to the Middle School Nurse’s Office on the first floor of the MS building. Prescription medication(s) must be in the original container(s), clearly labeled with the student’s name, the name of the medicine, dosage, directions, and expiration date. All medications will be managed and dispensed by the two International SOS nurses on the trip. 

Electronics Reminder

Cell phones will only be allowed on the bus and flight to and from our destination. When we arrive at the venue, all devices will be collected by the chaperones and safely secured for the rest of the trip. Students should not bring any other electronic devices that can connect with wifi (e.g., smartwatches, iPads, or gaming devices).


Students should bring only a small amount of money (less than 500,000 VND). There will be limited opportunities to purchase snacks and/or souvenirs. All other expenses are covered by the WWW fee. 

Staying Connected

Our partner organization, AsiaMotions, will have a professional photographer taking photos throughout the week. Pictures will be posted each day to a Smugmug account (access details below). We will also share daily updates with parents via eNews.

Grade 7 Smugmug Access



If you have any questions, please contact the grade 7 trip leader, Jake West ( 


Phil Wendel
Middle School Associate Principal