(G6-8) Week Without Walls Update 3


Dear MS Parents,

Please see the summaries of today’s activities below. The Day 3 photo albums will be updated later this evening.

Grade 6

Another fun and challenging day! Yesterday’s two groups switched places. Fairy stream hikes, a hike up Ta Cu Mountain, creating sand art and enjoying water activities made today another amazing day for the grade 6 students. The very last activity of the day for students was a cozy campfire.

Grade 7

It was a fantastic third day of WWW for the grade 7 students! Most of the day was spent in creative pursuits like weaving baskets, making art, and designing and building bamboo rafts, which they tested in the Madagui Lake. In the evening, students are being treated to a campfire and Gong Show complete with traditional Vietnamese music.

Grade 8

Grade 8 students had an exciting day yesterday as they transferred to the ancient town of Hoi An. Once in Hoi An, the class visited the Tra Que farm or Vy’s Market restaurant. After lunch, the class divided into three different groups and spent time at the Tra Que Farm, went kayaking, or participated in a scavenger hunt in Hoi An. After dinner, the entire class is taking a night walk in Hoi An.