HOS Letter: Wishing You a Wonderful Winter Break!

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    Dear SSIS Parents,

    What an incredible week it’s been and what a wonderful way to bring this extremely successful semester to an end. Between unit-end celebrations, parent coffees, guest speakers, and alumni events, our campus has been bustling with activity.

    Among the many activities this week, we hosted over 40 alumni at our event on Tuesday. We were proud to hear our alumni speak so warmly of their time at SSIS. They were all very excited to see the construction and learn about the program developments that will follow.

    We were happy to welcome so many alumni to the Alumni Reunion this week.

    As I look back on this semester, one of the highlights has been once again welcoming you to campus. Your presence has reinforced just how much children thrive and succeed when parents are actively involved. We are a better school for it, and your children, better students.

    Although our campus will be closed to students for the next five weeks, our teachers and divisional principals have worked hard to prepare resources for them (ECESMSAS).  In HS, students set individual goals based on their courses, for the break. Regardless of their grade level, one of the most impactful things your child can do during school breaks is to continue reading books, in any language.

    While students are away, our construction contractor will increase their pace and should make good progress. So, once it comes time to welcome your children back on January 31, 2023, they may notice some changes, which we will be excited to share with you.

    Grade 4 students were delighted to be teachers to their parents during the unit exploration this week.

    Also to look forward to after the break is our 25th Anniversary Gala on March 4th. Thank you for your many generous sponsorship contributions so far. We hope that many of our parents will be able to attend and look forward to celebrating this milestone with you.

    Thank you, dear community, for your continued support and all that you bring to make SSIS the special place it is. As we bring this semester to a close and look forward to time with our friends and families near and far, I wish each of you a wonderful and relaxing winter break.

    All best wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School