[Gr 11] University Guidance Kick-Off Slides and Next Steps

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Dear Grade 11 Parents,

The SSIS Counseling Team would like to thank you for attending our University Guidance Kick-Off Night on March 1. It was well attended and many great questions were asked. If you were unable to attend this event, click here to view the slides:

Grade 11 University Guidance Kick-Off Presentation

The next step in our university guidance timeline is a scheduled 30-minute meeting between parents, students, and your child’s assigned University Counselor. In this meeting, we will begin discussing the tasks and strategy involved in finding the best-fit university for your child.

We strongly recommend scheduling an appointment within the next four weeks (by the end of March, if possible). To schedule your meeting, please click your counselor’s link below:

Wyvern: Mr. Petraglia https://spetraglia.youcanbook.me

Shenlong: Mrs. Finlay https://kristyfinlay-schoolteacher.youcanbook.me

Hydra: Ms. Pathak https://dpathak.youcanbook.me

Naga: Mr. Stevens https://mrstevens-schoolteacher.youcanbook.me

Finally, please encourage your child to check the university visit board outside our Counseling Center daily. Last week, we hosted a luncheon with Korea’s prestigious Yonsei University. Schools from Australia and other regions are coming later this month.

We look forward to meeting with you and your child soon!


SSIS Counseling Team