October 10 & 11: MS Parent-Teacher Conferences – Students Encouraged to Attend


It is hard to believe that we are almost one quarter through the school year. This is an important time to check with your child about their progress at school; Parent-Teacher Conferences give you and your child the opportunity to discuss their progress directly with their teachers (report cards for Quarter 1 will be emailed to all parents on October 10).

What Dates are Middle School Parent-Teacher Conferences?

Middle School Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 10 (4 – 8 pm), and on Friday, October 11 (8 am – 1 pm). 

We hope that the early notice will give you the chance to plan your attendance with your child. Our goal is to have 100% attendance of parents and students.

How Do Middle School Parent-Teacher Conferences Work? 

Middle School has a unique, “open-arena” format. This means that for Middle School Conferences you do NOT need an appointment

Students are encouraged to attend the Parent-Teacher Conference with their parents. 

Planning Your Conference

Each child has 8 teachers. It will take approximately 1.5 hours per child to speak with all of them. 

Thursday evening is usually very busy. If you can attend on Friday, we encourage you to do so. Your wait time will be much shorter. 

NOTE: Students will have an early dismissal on Thursday, and no school on Friday, due to the Parent-Teacher Conferences.