Head of School Update, February 11: Coronavirus Week 2 Update


Dear SSIS Parents, 

Today, faculty and staff attended a video panel discussion with medical professionals, Dr. Mason Cobb, President of Victoria Healthcare International, and our Nursing Educator & Consultant, Lisa Chute, as well as Associate Head of School, Finance & Operations, Wai Mun Fong.  The purpose of the webinar was to address the medical questions that have been raised by our community. 

We want to share the following updated facts with you, as we are dedicated to providing our community with the information we receive. At the same time, we continue to monitor the situation and the prescribed guidelines closely. 

Here is what you need to know:

  • The Ministry of Health response was rapid 
  • Vietnam has reported 14 cases of nCoV, no fatalities
  • Careful and frequent hand-washing is still the best prevention

Dr. Mason Cobb expressed that Vietnam is world-class, in terms of preparation, and went on to share that Vietnam was a model for the world in handling SARS. “The country was very careful with case recognition and treating the cases,” he said during the webinar.

Also, we would like to share some additional great news – we have now passed the 15 days of restricted school attendance by all community members who visited China during the Lunar New Year holiday. No one in our quarantined community member group showed any symptoms of Coronavirus. We are naturally very relieved for them, but not as relieved as they are. We want to thank all involved for their patience in following our restrictions and guidelines. 

During the past week, and now into this week, our experienced faculty have worked tirelessly to maintain your child’s education, going to great lengths to adapt it to the virtual environment. We are excited to share this article with you, where you can read about a few of the ways that teachers in each division have adapted their lessons to Virtual School.

And, as always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.

All good wishes,

Dr. Catriona Moran
Head of School