(EC- G5) Activity Packet Pickups, Tuesday, May 25


Dear ES Parents,

Thank you for supporting your children during the home learning activities over the last two weeks. In order to support your children for the next two weeks, we want to bring three items to your attention:

  1. Activity Packets Pickup, 1:30 – 3:30 pm, Tuesday, May 25. If you cannot come at that time, you may come and pick up your child’s packet from outside of the SSIS store, later in the day or evening of May 25, or any time on May 26.
  2. Library Books Checkouts Available. Please use the Virtual Library Book Request Form. For instructions, please see this document. Your books will be available for pick up the next day on a cart outside of the SSIS store. Returns can be made to the “Library Books Return” cart.
  3. Year-end Material Pickup/iPad Drop-off. Students and parents will be invited to come to the Plaza on the morning of the last day of school, June 10 to return their iPads and borrowed school equipment, pick up their yearbooks, and say goodbye (socially distanced, of course) to their teachers.

Please know that everyone in our division is committed to ensuring that your children have an exceptional learning experience. We know they will finish the school year strong and be ready for the next school year.  

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Daniel J. Keller, PhD

Elementary Principal