[VIDEO] Promoting Self-Care among Our Students


Dear Parents of Middle School Students,

Today in advisory, your child took time to reflect on the term “self-care.” In this email, you will find a link to the session on self-care that your child attended. It contains strategies and tips that you can use to support your child in their self-care.

Unfortunately, we shared the wrong session link initially, and as a result, some of our students were not able to see Ms. Chinh’s presentation. Some students were also unable to hear the presentation. We are reaching out to Zoom to see how any sound issues can be avoided in the future. We apologize for this issue and hope you might have time to watch the presentation with your child, as it contains a wealth of information about self-care.

What is Self-Care?

Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s well-being and happiness. It is especially important during times of increased stress, adversity, sadness, and isolation. Such as during a pandemic lockdown.

The 6 Things List

In today’s advisories, your child’s advisory teacher asked them to list at least six things they enjoy doing or that make them feel happy or recharge them. Writing down things that make you happy, and practicing these things, is one of several self-care strategies. We encourage you to ask your child about their list so that you can support them in doing these things.

Expert Help

After students created their lists, they attended the session with our guest speaker, Ms. Chinh Le Ostrander. A psychotherapist and parent at SSIS, Ms. Chinh helps children and adults better understand their thoughts and feelings, how to solve problems, and how to learn and grow in the process.

Students learned that we need to be intentional in taking care of our bodies and minds each day. Getting quality sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and taking time to do things that we enjoy are essential parts of a good daily self-care routine. When we neglect any of these, it makes it harder for our bodies and minds to stay healthy and happy.

Students are encouraged to do at least one of the activities on their “6 Things” list every day.

Strategies and Tips

In her talk with students, Ms. Chinh provided valuable strategies we can all do to manage and take care of our mental health during this time that we would like to share with you here.

We highly encourage you to watch the 20-minute video and view the slides from Ms. Chinh’s presentation, where she shares simple ways that you can support your child with their self-care needs. We also hope you find the information beneficial for your own life.


Roxanne Amor-Ross
MS Dean of Students