ES Room Parents


The early childhood and elementary school programs welcome parent volunteers in the school.  We are pleased to announce the “Room Parent Program” as part of our larger parent engagement strategy.  The attached document describes:

  • An overview of the Room Parent Program: a description of the role, advantages to various community members, and supports provided
  • A description of the 3 responsibilities of a Room Parent: help organize events, promote positive communication, and help recruit other parent volunteers
  • Guidelines and tips for Room Parents: a list of ideas to make the process comfortable, enjoyable, and effective for everyone involved
  • A checklist for Room Parents: Initial meeting with the teacher, organizing information, communicating to parents, and organize an initial meeting of parent volunteers

Active parent engagement, from PTA involvement to Room Parent volunteers, are hallmarks of both American-style education and quality international schools.  Our teachers are eager to welcome you into the school and look forward to your contributions.  If you would like to consider becoming a Room Parent, please visit the link below and contact your classroom teacher by email to express your interest.


Link to Room Parent Document: