ES Parent-Teacher(-Student) Conferences


Dear Parents,

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 23 and 24.  For grades 3, 4 and 5, these are Parent-Student-Teacher 3-way conferences.

As you prepare for the Parent-Teacher Conference, Please do the following:


  • Before the conference:


      1. Discuss with your child what goals they may have for their continuous growth in school
      2. Write questions that the child may want discussed at the conference.
      3. Write questions that the parents may want discussed at the conference.


  • Starting the conference:


      1. Arrive on time.
      2. Begin in a positive frame of mind; relax and be yourself.


  • During the conference:


      1. Ask questions.
      2. Share information about your child.
      3. Raise any issues or concerns.
      4. Set goals for your child’s continuous growth at school.
      5. Take notes so you can remember what is discussed.
      6. Ask how you can support learning at home.


  • Ending the conference:


      1. Review the goals set for your child and the supports that will be provided at home and at school
      2. End the meeting on time. There will be other parents meeting the teacher after you.


  • After the conference:


    1. Follow through on commitments made for home supports
    2. Follow up with teachers to ensure the school supports are being provided


Specialist teachers (art, p.e., music, EAL, Learning Support, Library, Host Country Studies) will be available to meet with you before or after your conference with the homeroom teacher. We will display posters indicating the locations of the various specialist teachers.


Dan Keller

EC/ES Principal