2-minute survey for Parents


Dear SSIS Parents –
At SSIS, we try to limit the number of surveys we conduct during the year. We know that you, our parents, are busy and we value your time. Our biggest survey each year is the Community Climate Survey which is sent each Spring to parents, students, and faculty. You will receive more information about the climate survey next week.

There are times, though, when we have issues upon which we would like to solicit community input. We call these “2-minute surveys” because we ask a very limited number of questions about one topic and you can complete the survey in under two minutes. Today’s survey is about phase two of our move to becoming a Macintosh School and current ownership by our students.

If you are a parent of a student who will be in Grades 4 through Grade 9 next year, please take a minute or two to complete this short survey.

Survey on Macintosh Ownership

Sincerely yours,

Mark Sylte
Head of School