MS: Junior Saigon Math Competition, May 13


SSIS hosted the 10th Annual Middle School Mathematics Competition. Nine local international schools competed (ISHCMC, BIS, BVIS, ABC IS, AIS, RISS, EIS, and CIS) for a total of 25 teams of three.

Congratulations to the SSIS teams who competed.

  • Team 1: Joon-Young Cha, Lucy Sa, and Minh Duong
  • Team 2: Giao Vu, San Kwon, and Doris Chung
  • Team 3: Shayan Sinha,  Jihwan Kim, and Min-Seo Jeong

SSIS won 1st, 2nd, and 8th place overall (out of 23 teams):
1st Place: SSIS TEAM 2 (Giao Vu, San Kwon, and Doris Chung)
2nd Place: SSIS TEAM 1 (Joon-Young Cha, Lucy Sa, and Minh Duong)
8th Place:  SSIS Team 3 (Shayan Sinha, Jihwan Kim, and Min-Seo Jeong)

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