G6 Start of Semester 2


Dear Middle School Parents / Guardians of Grade 6 Students,

It is with great excitement that we are starting Semester 2 on Tuesday, January 11. 

Grade 6 students will continue to attend classes virtually until further notice, and we are gearing up for a fantastic second semester for them.

Schedule Adjustments

Below you will see the schedule for our first week of Semester 2 and, for your reference, the schedules of grades 7 and 8. Note that we have made a few small adjustments to the start and end times in the class schedule to meet the needs of the students who are physically on campus. Please note the difference between Tuesday and the rest of the week.

Tuesday, Jan. 11

A-D Classes

Weds., Jan. 12

E-H Classes

Thursday, Jan. 13

A-D Classes

Friday, Jan. 14

E-H Classes

G6 Virtual: Start in Advisory

G7 Blended: On-Campus / Virtual

G8 Blended: On-Campus / Virtual

G6  Virtual

G7  Virtual

G8  On Campus

G6 Virtual

G7 On Campus

G8 Virtual

G6 Virtual

G7 On Campus

G8 On Campus


  • Vietnamese Class: There will not be Vietnamese class on Wednesday, January 12.  More information about Vietnamese class will be provided next week.
Class Timings for Week of Jan. 11-14
Tuesday, Jan. 11 Wednesday, Jan. 12 – Friday, Jan. 14
8:00-8:30am Advisory 8:00 – 9:20am Block 1
8:40 – 9:50am Block A 9:30 – 10:50am Block 2
10:00-11:10am Block B 11:00 – 12:20pm Block 3
11:20 – 12:30pm Block C 12:20 – 1:00pm Lunch/Recess
12:30 – 1:35pm Lunch/Recess 1:05 – 1:35pm Advisory / Dragon Time
1:45 – 3:00pm Block D 1:45 – 3:00pm Block 4


Welcome to Mr. Koski, G6 ELA Teacher

As we shared last semester, we are welcoming a new teacher to our grade 6 team. Mr. John Koski is your child’s new English Language Arts teacher. We invite you to join us on Monday, January 10 at 6:00 pm to meet Mr. Koski via Zoom. In this short meeting, we will introduce you to Mr. Koski, provide information on how we will support your child in this transition. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions. We hope to see you there!  

Please find details of the Zoom meeting in my email from Friday, January 7.


Kind regards,

Molly Burger

Middle School Principal