New Pick-Up Routines for EC – G2 Starting Monday

New Pick Up Area EC-G2

Dear ES Parents,

We are pleased to announce that starting Monday, February 21, dismissal procedures will be faster, safer, and more convenient for you and your children.

Our newly built pavilion, located behind the school store, will serve as the new pick-up area for students in EC – Grade 2. Since no parents will enter the plaza, the turnstiles will be exit-only, making the process smoother for all ES students. Please read more about the changes below.

EC – G2 Pick-Up at New Pavilion

Starting Monday, February 21, EC – G2 parents should wait for their children at our shaded pavilion next to the bicycle parking behind the school cafe and store. Tables will be marked with the homeroom class names, as before. 

When school finishes for the day, your child’s teacher will bring the entire class to the new pick-up area, and parents should only wait at the pavilion.

New Pavilion Locaton
The new pavilion pick-up location for EC – G2 is located behind the school store and cafe.

Smoother Exit for Students in Grades 3 – 5

Students in Grades 3 – 5 will continue to exit school independently and meet their parents outside of the turnstiles. We anticipate that the process will be much faster, as all turnstiles will be used for exiting.

We hope that our new routines and the newly built pavilion will make pick-up more convenient for you and your child. I look forward to seeing you on Monday.  

Kind regards,

Daniel J. Keller, PhD
Elementary Principal