(G6-8) Week Without Walls Update 1


Students have arrived at their destinations! See your “Trip Information” email from last week for the link and password to the photo album for your child’s grade. Images for today have not yet been uploaded.

Below is a short summary so far, we will post one each day.

Grade 6

The start of our WWW adventure was amazing! After arriving at Ocean Dunes Resort, we ate lunch, and immediately after began the afternoon’s activities, which included challenging team games, making paracord bracelets, enjoying an exciting obstacle race, balancing on the slackline, mind teasers, and a round of disc golf. In the evening there was a Quiz Night between the advisory groups, and the advisories spent time reflecting on the day and its challenges. It was a great start to the week!

Grade 7

After a 3.5-hour bus ride, we arrived at the magical Madagui Forest Resort and had a delicious lunch before heading out for a group hike in the jungle. In the forest, students were inspired by the many different smells, sounds, and green terrain and also saw crocodiles. Once back from the hike, students got to work preparing spring rolls which would be part of their outdoor dinner later. But before dinner everyone enjoyed an hour of activities like swimming, playing soccer, or board games. After dinner, the students are watching an outdoor movie before going to bed. It’s been a fun-filled and tiring day for everyone!

Grade 8

The grade 8 students spent the first half of the day on campus in activities to enrich their WWW experience and headed to the airport at 1:45 pm for their flight to Hue. Upon arrival and check-in at the Mondial Hotel, they enjoyed dinner together and then participated in a Quiz Night full of competition and fun for the entire class.