Summer Library Hours


    Dear Students and Parents
    During the summer holiday, we are offering some opening hours of access for you to enjoy reading and borrowing.

    Our ES Library will be open on Tuesday and Thursday from 8 am to 10 am.

    Our MS Library will be open on Wednesday from 8 am to 10 am.

    The HS Library will NOT be open during the summer. If you require a HS book from our catalogue, please email our library assistants Ms Khanh and Ms Dung.

    They will attempt to locate the title for you, and bring it along to one of the other libraries for you to borrow.

    Should the item be unavailable, an assistant will email you with this message.

    Ms Khanh
    Ms Dung

    Please note that you MUST have a valid library card to borrow items, and family cards (held by parents) are limited to 5 items in total.

    Thank you and happy summer reading,

    SSIS Libraries.