The Life of Anne Frank


    Dear Parents –

    IMG_5405As you come into school this week, I hope you will take the opportunity to stop by the central foyer by the admissions office and Head of School office to see a display on the life of Anne Frank. These panels are part of installation made possible through the office of the Israeli Embassy in Hanoi and were previously on display at the British International School in that city.

    Here at SSIS we are excited to show this display to as many students as we can this week during our international week celebration. For example, right after our October holidays our fifth grade studeIMG_5403nts will begin a unit on “20th Century Change Agents.” During this unit they examine the lives of important people in the last century who left a lasting impression on the world after they were gone. Whilst there are many forces at work within human history that are external (e.g. geography, climate, etc.) and beyond our control, we believe in the power of human beings to shape their history and play a role in the development of society. Anne Frank, in her brief life, provides an poignant example of the ways in which individuals are affected by the choices of others but also have an active role to play in the shaping of their lives and the lives of people around them.

    Please stop in to view the panels which we hope will stimulate discussions at home.


    Mark Iver Sylte, Head of School