SSIS Sports – Team Registrations


Dear SSIS students and parents,

Welcome back! I hope that everyone was able to rest and relax this summer. For those of you who may not know me, my name is Shelley Wowchuk and I am the Activities and Athletics Director at SSIS. I am originally from Canada, but have been here at SSIS for the past 5 year.

As the 2018-2019 school year begins, I want to inform you about the upcoming Season One sport team opportunities. We run three Sport Seasons at SSIS and while we usually want MS and HS students to make their own choices, we do want to ensure that parents are informed of all sport teams so that they can help their athletes at home make responsible choices. ES parents are asked to register their child for the sport teams they want.

Sports are a great way to stay healthy, make friends and test mental resiliency required for competition. We do want SSIS students to take part, but we also want everyone to think about their academic requirements and find a healthy balance for all aspects of life.

The grid below contains all Season One sports for each division. If you want to register for the team just click on the sport you want. I hope that something will catch you attention and will convince you to become part of the DRAGONS sport family!

Registration for all teams will close on August 12 at 5pm.

If you have any questions please contact me,

Shelley Wowchuk – Activities and Athletics Director –

Click on the sport below if you want to register to be part of the team.

ES teams Soccer (Gr.4-5) Cross Country (Gr. 3-5)
MS teams Basketball Swimming Cross Country
HS teams Volleyball SEASAC Soccer Table Tennis Golf Swimming Cross Country