Welcome Back, Semester Two Off to a Great Start!

    Head of School Letter header

    Dear SSIS Parents,

    What a joyful week it has been welcoming your children back to school and hearing about their adventures during this once-in-a-lifetime five-week winter break! 

    Not only was it evident how many of our students and faculty made the most of this unique extended holiday, but also how excited our community was to be back together. 

    Joining us on campus this week were also twenty-four new students! We hope that as you meet them and their families, you make sure to give them a warm welcome. You may see them at one of the many events we have coming up this semester. 

    Already next weekend, two significant community events are taking place. On Saturday, February 11, we will host fourteen teams in the HS gym for the VEX Robotics Tournament. They will be competing for a chance to go to the VEX World Championships in Dallas, Texas. And that same night, 125 students, faculty, and parents will represent SSIS in the HCMC Midnight Marathon, wearing their beautiful new “SSIS Go Dragons!” singlets. These are just two of the many wonderful events you can expect this semester, not least of all our 25th Anniversary Gala on March 4, for which I hear there are still a few tickets left.

    Among all of these wonderful activities that are a part of this school year, the admissions season for next school year has already begun. Most families will not have to do anything at this time. However, if you plan on enrolling a sibling, we advise you to submit your application as soon as possible. There is high demand for spots next year and we do give priority to sisters and brothers of current students.

    With these exciting updates, I wish you all a wonderful weekend. I look forward to seeing you soon on campus.


    All best wishes,


    Dr. Catriona Moran

    Head of School