HS: Principal’s Coffee – Words of Wisdom: Grade 12 Parent Panel, How to Support Your Senior During Their Last Year in High School


Grade 11 parents please come and hear from the parents of the class of 2019 about their experiences as Grade 12 parents. The panel discussion will be an informal conversation between Grade 11 and 12 parents that includes key issues that emerge in Grade 12. Topics will include but are not limited to:

  • University applications
  • School research/visits
  • Organization
  • Parent and student stress management
  • Staying connected/informed during the process
  • General advice

We hope you can attend and benefit from the parents of our soon-to-be-grads.

WHEN: Thursday, May 16, 2019 (8:15-9:15am)

WHO: This session is primarily designed for parents whose students are in the class of 2020, but parents of students in the class of 2021 are also welcome.

WHERE: HS Room C321 (3rd Floor)