SSIS Head of School: 2019 End of Year Letter to Parents


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    As we close out the 2018-2019 school year, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to you for your wonderful support this year – my first as Head of School. It has been an outstanding year for SSIS and it has been very rewarding to receive so many positive comments from parents, students, and teachers in our community survey. We are committed to doing the best for our students and our community, and we will continue to grow and develop to respect the trust our community places in us.

    One measure of the confidence the community has in our school is the extraordinary demand for admissions spaces. We have the highest enrollment in SSIS history, with the longest wait-list at almost every grade level. Thank you for your positive portrayal of our school in our community and beyond. It is our students’ successes along with your positive recommendations, that ensures that we continue to be the school of choice for families in HCMC.

    We have an excellent rate of teacher retention which is greatly beneficial in ensuring continuity of the SSIS programs. In addition, 100% of our Senior Leadership Team will continue to lead and guide our program next year; that stability is rare and very valuable in an international community. We have added new programs, additional teachers and staff, and an additional administrator for next school year to provide even greater choice and support for our students.

    Thank you for the parents who provided meaningful contributions last week to our work with Flansburgh Architects on determining program and facilities considerations for school expansion. The architects will return in September to continue the development of the plans with us.

    Regarding, the summer expansion project, we have not been as fortunate.  As we are still waiting for the Legal Permit for phase 1, construction is on hold. We will keep you updated, as we have more information. But, rest assured that it will not impact the programs we have planned for the new semester for your children.

    Summer is a very special time for children and is the source of many happy memories. I hope that you and your children enjoy many opportunities to have fun as a family in the weeks ahead. I told the High School students this morning that between the ages of 10 to 30 we build up the most vivid memories of our lives. And, I hope that they use the summer to develop life-long memories with you.

    I wish our graduates, and our families who are moving on,  every success in the years ahead. We hope you stay in touch.

    I am proud and privileged to be your Head of School at SSIS. Thank you for all of your support. Have a wonderful summer! I look forward to seeing you in August.

    All good wishes,
    Dr. Catriona Moran