Tips: Preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences


    At the end of this week, Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held across all divisions – ES, MS, and HS.

    Even though the conference-style is a little different from division to division, here are a few things that you can do in preparation, regardless of your child’s grade-level.

    Before the Conference

    1. Discuss with your child what goals they may have for their continuous growth in school.
    2. Write down questions or concerns that your child may have.
    3. Write down any specific questions or concerns that you want to discuss at the conference.

    Starting the Conference

    1. Arrive on time.
    2. Begin in a positive frame of mind, remember that Parent-Teacher Conferences are a way for everyone involved to help your child make the most of their school year.

    During the Conference

    1. Take notes so that you can remember what was discussed. Notes are also helpful if you need to follow up on something.
    2. Share any questions you have prepared.
    3. Ask the teacher to explain, if there is something you do not understand.
    4. Share questions or any issues you have concerning your child.
    5. Discuss clear goals for your child’s continuous growth at school.
    6. Ask the teacher how you can support learning at home.

    Ending the Conference

    1. Review the goals set for your child and the support that will be provided at home and at school.
    2. Be respectful of your scheduled conference time. Many parents will have scheduled meetings with the teachers.

    After the Conference

    1. Follow through on commitments made for home supports.
    2. Follow up with teachers to make sure that the school supports are being provided.