Head of School Update, April 18: Campus Closure Extended Through May 3


Dear SSIS Parents, 

We have received official notification from the People’s Committee, in letter 1420/UBND-VX, that the citywide measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 have been extended until May 3. As such the school campus closures are extended until May 3. 

The government is asking that everyone continue enforcing maximum social distancing, only going out primarily for necessities – food, medicine, and medical care through May 3. Also, everyone must continue to wear masks in public places and maintain at least 2 meters from others at all times.

I understand that we are all hoping for the government to lift the restrictions; however, I know that we are all surely grateful that the aggressive measures taken by the Vietnamese government, have kept us safe thus far. And, that our hearts go out to all who are enduring great suffering in the world today.

Please also note that Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1 are Vietnamese National Holidays and that there will not be any online learning lessons these days. 

It is critical during this time that we each continue to take care of our mental and physical wellbeing. The SSIS HS PE team put together the Dragons Energizer website, which is an excellent resource filled with physical activities you can do from home. And the “Social-Emotional Health” page on eNews, contains multiple resources for social-emotional wellbeing. 

Rest assured that SSIS remains committed to your child’s intellectual and personal development during this trying time, and we will continue to work with you to further improve ways to help our students and families through the challenges that COVID-19 is presenting to our community. 

All good wishes,

Dr. Catriona Moran

Head of School