Head of School Update, April 30: Student Re-Entry Plan


    Dear SSIS Parents,

    As I shared with you in my video, we passed yesterday’s inspection by the Department of Education and Training (DOET) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) with the highest quality rating for health and safety protocols. We couldn’t be more pleased, as this means that we will be able to start welcoming your children back to campus next week.

    Students’ return to campus will be staggered per the People’s Committee letter #1221/KH-GDDT-VP, which details the re-entry plan for all schools in Ho Chi Minh City. To further limit contact and large gatherings, the students’ start and end times have also been staggered, per division.

    Health and Safety Protocols

    As you can see in the photo collage, we have been working diligently on redesigning classroom spaces, libraries, cafeteria, etc. to allow for social distancing as outlined by the Ministry of Health.

    The extensive COVID-19 health and safety protocols that we implemented earlier this semester will remain in place, and our cleaning staff will ensure thorough sanitation of all rooms and surfaces, using our 3M cleaning products with added bleach, multiple times per day. In addition, our health and safety protocols include:

    • Everyone will have their temperatures taken before entering campus (using the Thermal Scanner and thermometers);
    • Adults and students will be required to wash their hands often;
    • All students and adults will be required to maintain social distance inside and outside the classroom; 
    • All students (except EC and Kindergarten), faculty, and staff and anyone entering the campus, will be required to wear a mask at all times; 
    • All After School Activities and Athletics programs are canceled for the remainder of the school year.
    • No parents or unnecessary visitors will be allowed on campus.

    The re-entry plan also requires that schools conduct COVID-19 health and safety training sessions per grade. Thus, upon return on the first day, the students will attend a 40-minute training program delivered by the Nurse, Lisa Chute, to ensure that they understand the new health and safety protocols, after which classes will start. The training program is mandatory, so we ask that you make sure that your child arrives at school on time.

    Cafeteria and Kiosk

    The cafeteria and kiosk will be open, and we have established additional seating that will ensure that the students maintain social distance while eating. However, to ensure further hygienic measures, only box lunches and grab-and-go snacks will be available for purchase. No food deliveries will be allowed. 
    No Bus Service 
    Also, we have determined that it is necessary to cancel bus service for the remainder of the year as we are unable to comply with the government’s restriction for social distancing on buses with our current bus fleet. All parents who previously paid for bus service this semester have been reimbursed for any outstanding payments. 

    Re-Entry Dates and Times

    As the re-entry is staggered by day, and by start and end times, I ask that you take extra care to read the details below. Divisional principals will be sharing further information for their divisions. However, below, please find a general overview of calendar dates and schedules.

    Students in all grades will begin their first day of school back on campus with the COVID-19 health and safety training program, after which classes will resume as normal.


    • Start of Day – 8:45 am
    • End of Day – 3:45 pm 

    Grades 9 and 12: Monday, May 4
    Grades 10 and 11: Friday, May 8


    • Start of Day – 8:30 am
    • End of Day – 3:30 pm 

    Grades 6, 7 and 8: Friday, May 8


    • Start of Day – 8:00 am 
    • End of Day – staggered dismissal (details to be communicated later)

    Grade 5: Friday, May 8, 8:00 to 11:45 am (all other days Grade 5 will end in the afternoon)
    Grade 4: Friday, May 8, 11:45 to 3:00 pm (all other days Grade 4 will start at 8:00)
    Grades 1, 2 and 3: Monday, May 11
    Kindergarten: Monday, May 18
    EC 3/ 4: Monday, May 25

    Adjusting to Physical School

    Finally, your children may experience a range of emotions about returning to campus. Some will be very excited, while others might feel anxious. Those feelings are valid and normal. They have been away from their friends and teachers for many weeks and may feel uncertain about what to expect when they come back. Rest assured that we plan to talk to all of the students about these important matters and will do everything we can to make the transition back to campus as smooth as possible for your children.

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School