Celebrating the Beginning of a New School Year

    Head of School Letter header

    Dear SSIS Parents,

    I hope you and your children have had a restful and refreshing summer. We greatly look forward to welcoming you here on campus at the start of the 2022-2023 school year. 

    Last week, we held an orientation for our newly arrived teachers. They are a personable and talented group of people who are excited to be a part of our warm and welcoming community. We can’t wait for you to meet them.

    This school year is indeed an exciting year to be a member of our community. It marks our 25th anniversary of SSIS as a school. What once started as a single building with 38 students has grown to a vibrant community of 1300 learners, benefiting from the opportunities that our competitive programs and state-of-the-art facilities offer. 

    In support of our growing offerings, Dr. Dan Long, our new Director of Activities and Community Engagement, one of many positions added to support our programs, will ensure that your children and our families have a rich offering outside the classroom. With the efforts of our PTA under the guidance of our new PTA president, Sophia Woo, I’m confident you will feel their positive impact on our community this year. 

    During the summer, Associate Head of School for Operations Wai Mun Fong and her team worked tirelessly to ensure your children have a harmonious and safe learning environment on campus, as we begin the pre-construction work for our new middle school building and stem/design center. The hoarding that separates the construction areas still leaves ample space for our community to use our expansive fields. 

    We have also made changes to our traffic regulations which will be shared with you before the start of school. I encourage everyone to follow these guidelines very carefully for the safety of our community.

    You will receive further details about preparing for the school start and next week’s orientations from your child’s principal tomorrow. We couldn’t be more excited about welcoming you all to campus next week. This year promises to be memorable, and I’m so happy that your family is a part of our community. 

    All good wishes, 

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School