[VIDEO] June 3: End-of-Year Parent Presentation (via Zoom)


    Update: [VIDEO] or [SLIDESHOW]

    Dear SSIS Parents, 

    Although we did not expect to be closing out the school year in Virtual School, we were prepared and your children were prepared. We are so pleased with how well they have adapted to the circumstances, meeting and exceeding our expectations. 

    In bringing this extraordinary school year to a close, I would like to invite you to a Zoom meeting next Thursday, June 3 from 8:30 – 10:00 am where you will hear from me and Associate Head of School for Teaching and Learning, David Chadwell, as well as your divisional principals.

    During our meeting, we will celebrate several of this year’s achievements, present data from our most recent community survey, and share some of what you can expect from the 2021 – 2022 school year. We will also present the master plan for our facilities and share highlights from our new strategic plan.

    Zoom links will be sent to parents via email.

    All good wishes,

    Dr. Catriona Moran
    Head of School